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We are the only DSCSA-guided VRS solutions provider that uses Vision Scanning and AR, providing unmatched speed and capacity to successfully trace prescription drugs.

A mandate by the health department for pharmacies, saleable returns is the safe route to resell drugs.

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What are Saleable Returns in Pharmacy?

Saleable returns are defined as prescription drugs that are returned to the original supplier by a pharmacy unable to identify their origin. In many cases, pharmacies and other drug dispensers return these products because they are over-stocked or unidentified and want to get a refund. Products that are returned for ANY reason, must be verified, as per the health department.

The First Vision Scanning and Augmented Reality (AR) VRS Solution

Your supply chain will expect immediate responses when it comes to returns from a pharmacy. It will be impossible to verify hundreds if not thousand without the right solution.

AR and Vision Scanning are your true medical assistants that take VRS to a whole other level, making returns of drugs seamless and profitable.

celular rapid rx

Try the world’s most powerful and user-friendly VRS service

Our system is so easy to use that we offer unlimited training for medical staff within healthcare departments.

VRS Responder & Requester Modules

Respond to requests or request verifications of prescription drugs by pharmacies in sub-seconds!

Secured Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Data

Following security best practices making sure your data is safe and secure and easily accessible to various health departments.

Responsive UI

The only VRS provider with responsive design UI. Our UI fits perfectly synced with any screen size.

Unmatched Support

Phone and live chat support by medical assistants right from the beginning of application.

API-first Design

With API First, integrate with your ERP or WMS faster than any other VRS provider.

Mobile-edge Pharmacy Solution

Use our Mobile-edge solution with built-in vision scanning and augmented reality.